Who we are.

We are a group of lay people – scattered around the world – who have been witnesses of the healing power of Jesus in their families and in their own lives. We have been called by Him to pass on the good news, deeds, and love of God to others.

We have not only experienced Jesus’ healing power, but we have also received the adequate formation in Fr. Yozefu B. Ssemakula’s ‘Healing of Families School’ , based in the USA. We hold a certificate that has completed 84 hours of formation in family healing, plus many more hours of practice in face to face seminars, webinars, and online ‘paraliturgies’. Some leaders are also certified in other healing methods such as the ‘Unbound Ministry’, that qualify us to continue this lay apostolate for our one true Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, in an age of tremendous challenges of the post-modern culture, as have never been seen before.

We certainly believe that this is the appointed time the Holy Spirit and Mary have chosen, with the help of the saints – especially St John Paul II, St Monica and St Augustin (a struggling family), as well as St Cæcilia, her husband St Valerius, and her brother in law St Tiburtius (a family of saints), for a Family Healing Ministry in the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa and beyond. Families have been attacked notably in the last few decades by the evil one, and unnoticeably for the last few centuries, with a very slow response on our part.

It is no surprise that the Bishops of England and Wales after 800 hundred years have rededicated England as the Dowry of Mary in 2020. Interestingly, it is in line to what St John Paul II wrote in his book – ‘Crossing the Threshold of Hope’:

“The victory, if it comes, will come through Mary. On this universal level, if victory comes it will be brought by Mary. Christ will conquer through her, because He wants the Church’s victories now and, in the future, to be linked to her”.

Our Lady of Walsingham (OLW) seems to be leading the decisive victory over families in Europe, as prophesied by Damian Stayne of Cor-et-Lumen Christi Community at the “New Dawn in the Church, Walsingham” 3rd of August 2022: “OLW Shrine will be a place of miracles for reconciliation of families…families and marriages will be healed in this Chapel of Reconciliation…they will come from other countries”. We are helping prepare Mary’s militia for that purpose.

For more information about HOF-USA please visit https://www.healingforfamilies.com/

What we do.

One basic life system is our family system, which has both bodily and spiritual components (CCC 362). They were given to us by God as the best way he could arrange human life for the utmost good.

However, it is because we don’t know enough about these fundamental systems, that the evil one takes advantage of us in them, infiltrates them and turns them around to work against us and our sanctification. Spiritual ‘legal rights’ can be given to the evil one that are manifest as bondages in persons (physical illness, circumstances, behaviours, obsession, oppression, possession); in buildings and lands (e.g. haunted houses); in objects (e.g. spells, voodoo); in family lines (e.g. freemasonry, occultism); or in nations (e.g. women’s legal rights to abortion, gay marriage, etc). When the evil one invades them, he causes fundamental problems, and sometimes fundamental damage. In fact, that is why he goes for them, in order to have a considerable negative impact on our lives to separate us from God.

Often people pray long and hard about certain issues in their lives and the lives of their families, and exactly nothing happens. Our image of God is seriously shaken because we don't understand why He doesn't seem to hear us on these issues. Our voice feels like a cry in the desert, and it is not because God is not willing. God Himself says:

Hosea 4:6

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;
    because you have rejected knowledge,
    I reject you from being a priest to me.
And since you have forgotten the law of your God,
    I also will forget your children.”

God never wills evil and pain for us at any point in our lives, as he is life in abundance.

We teach you how the family system works for the utmost benefit and you learn how to heal this system.

How we do it.

A collective traditional approach *

1) Teaching Webinar

Based on Scripture and Tradition of the Catholic Church, in an online Webinar, we teach and equip participants with the knowledge of the Bible and Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), to how identify personal sins, family and transmissible sin effects (Rom 5:12-14 [hamartia / parabasis **]; Mt 18:29-36 / Lk 11:47-51; among others) manifested as family bondages (the effects) to heal unnecessary suffering that has been passed on through generations, hindering the path of sanctification. We also give them some tools for the Spiritual Battle that lies in the present, and tools to prevent further personal and family bondage.

Matthew 18:25

and as he could not pay [debt / sin], his lord ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children [family] and all that he had [possessions], and payment to be made…”

2) ‘Paraliturgy’ Prayer for Family Healing ***

At the end of the Webinar, we pray a long communal set of prayers called the ‘Paraliturgy’ (non-charismatic), cancelling step-by-step with God’s power, the ‘legal rights’ that the evil one has intertwined through our family linage and system; closing doors or access points that have trapped persons and families in bondage for generations (behaviours, circumstances or diseases) and freeing them from unnecessary suffering through the healing power of Jesus.

(*) Pope Francis granted the Apostolic Blessing to the Healing of Families Ministry International in August 2024 .

(**) Words that differentiate transmissible or falling short sin, and personal sin, in the Greek Bible.

(***)The Archbishop of Moscow Pavel Pezzi in 2018 granted a Nihil Obstat Imprimatur to the Paraliturgy Prayer (in russian).

Who should attend?

Adults with stubborn & recurring problems *

  • Behaviours in the participant or family members

    • Unforgiveness, adultery, wrath, bitterness, theft, hatred, negativity, fornication, etc.

    • History of abuse (verbal, physical), abandonment (neglect), violence or control.

    • Addictions in family (drugs, alcohol, food disorder, gambling, pornography, work, sex…)

    • Trouble having a good self-image, shame or guilt (same sex attraction)

    • Occult practices (freemasonry, sects, witchcraft [wicca], ouija board, mediums, psychic powers, new age [yoga, reiki, spiritualism, etc.], palm reading, horoscopes, …)

    • Troubled relationships with God (unbelief), family, friends or created realities (e.g. smartphones, cars, jewellery, fashion, money, etc.)

  • Diseases in the participant or family members

    • Family history of chronic or inherited (diabetes, renal, blood, cancer, immune, etc.)

    • Schizophrenia, OCD, Bipolar, depression, mental disability (autism), etc.

    • Infertility, miscarriages, etc.

  • Circumstances in the participant or family members

    • Broken or irregular marriages (out of wedlock, divorce, single parent, spinsterhood…)

    • Troubled pregnancies (illegitimacy, rape conceived, rejected by a parent, previous abortion/miscarriages…)

    • Financial ruin or frequent struggles

    • Sudden deaths or catastrophic situations (wars, accidents, drowning, etc.)

  • Specials

    • History of abortions (or sponsor), suicides, murder, human trafficking, gangs, exploitation, etc.

    (*) The teaching & prayers follow the Catholic doctrine, but any Christian or non-Christian, Agnostic or seeking Atheist are welcome!